Valedictory Function for Classes X and XII

Valedictory Function for Classes X and XII

The 31st of January 2020 was a very special day for the students of classes X and XII, as they tearfully parted with their beloved Alma Mater.

The day began with the Eucharist offered by Fr Roopesh Madtha at Mary Hill Convent Chapel, to thank the Almighty and seek blessings for a bright future, happy and successful life for the outgoing batches.

The formal function, held in the school auditorium, began by welcoming of the students as they entered the auditorium, followed by a short prayer service to invoke God’s blessings. Lighting of the lamp by the Principal, Administrator, Vice-Principal, the class teachers of X and XII, Head Boy and Head Girl was a solemn moment. This light of wisdom and knowledge was then passed to the students of Classes X and XII. Aaron D’Souza and Melony of Class IX A formally welcomed the gathering. This was followed by a welcome dance.

A short cultural programme ensued, comprising of a medley of group songs, the emotional sharing of experiences by Shrika Alva of IX C and Shainel of IX A, and a PowerPoint presentation beautifully put together by Nakul Bhat of IX C and party, which took the students from their kindergarten days to the present and left every eye wet with fond memories. This was followed by a joyous dance which brought back smiles and cheer into every face.

Then came a solemn time of experience-sharing from Glen Sequiera of Class XII and Clarissa D’Souza of Class X B. The vote of thanks was delivered by Bhoomika Arun of X A.

Sr. Carissima, in her message to the outgoing batch, encouraged the students to have an inspired vision and goals to live a nobler and higher life. Sr. Melissa the Principal inspired the students to be beacons of light, spreading goodness all around and to be socially concerned and to have a compassionate heart for the less privileged.

The students were handed mementoes by the school as they sought the blessings of their Gurus. The programme ended with a sumptuous lunch and a time of fellowship.

The farewell programme was anchored by Ms. Poorvi K. Rao and Smaran S.M. of Class IX B.

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