Our Scouts & Guides celebrate World Thinking Day 2024

Our Scouts & Guides celebrate World Thinking Day 2024

The Scouts and Guides unit of our School celebrated World Thinking Day on 22nd February 2024, with great enthusiasm. The programme began with the ceremonial Guard of Honour that accorded a cordial welcome to the Chief Guest Mr Anil Kumar J, ADC Mangaluru North LA of Scouts and Guides Association, accompanied by Principal Sr Melissa and Vice Principal Sr Teena.

This was followed by the symbolic lighting of the lamp by the dignitaries and Scout and Guide representatives. An aura of divinity connected the audience with the almighty through the Sarva Dharma Prayer. A team of energetic classical dancers welcomed the gathering to the beats of the chende. As Guide Adneesha welcomed the chief guest, Arnav Shetty presented a sapling to him. Adelyn and Shawn dressed as the founders of the movement, Lord Baden Powell and Lady Olave Powell created an awareness of World Thinking Day right from its inception in 1926 to the present day. The achievements and activities of the Scouts and Guides during the academic year 2023-24 were aptly presented by Guide Neha and Scout Daniel in the report with a PowerPoint presentation.

A melodious fusion of instrumental medley by the musicians was a treat and awed the audience. Keeping with the theme ‘Our World, Our Thriving Future’, the vibrant and enthusiastic dancers put up a thought provoking theme dance that focused on how inspite of the adversity in the world we can still thrive for a bright and peaceful future.

The chief guest Mr Anil Kumar J in his address lauded the efforts of the Scouts and Guides in putting up a vibrant and meaningful program. He also encouraged more students to join and be an active member of the movement and thereby serve the society. Principal Sr Melissa appreciated the hard work put in by the captains and Scouts, Guides and reminded all that loving service coupled with dedication is the best way to contribute to make the world a better place. Scout Sherwin proposed the vote of thanks. The comperes of the event were Manavi, Josyl, Sanidhya, Tanish, Sarah, Ashish and Vaidoorya. The programme ended with the Scouts and Guides Flag Song.

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