Orientation Programme for Grade XI, 2024

Orientation Programme for Grade XI, 2024

We inaugurated the Grade XI classes on May 31st for the academic year 2024-25 along with an orientation programme for the students with their parents.

The programme began with a prayer song, invoking divine blessings. The chief guest Prof. Manoj Louis, parents and students were warmly welcomed with a welcome dance by Mahathi Pavanaskar of grade XII.

The new academic year was officially inaugurated by lighting the lamp by the dignitaries and student representatives. Principal Sr Melissa welcomed the gathering and introduced the guest speaker.

“Success isn’t measured by percentages or marks, but by the knowledge and life skills we gain. It’s the application of these skills in our daily lives and workplaces that leads to true achievement.” said Sr Carissima as she addressed the students and hopeful parents present at the gathering. She encouraged the students to accept life’s challenges and work diligently towards their goals, focusing on the importance of valuing the financial sacrifices their parents make for their education.

The guest speaker Prof. Manoj Louis in his keynote address, advised the students to remember and instill the acronym ‘CALL’ in their lives which stands for Conceptual Clarity (C), Analytical Learning (A), Lot of Hard Work (L), and a Little Bit of Luck (L). He emphasized the importance of smart work and assured the students that the future holds abundant opportunities for those who push their boundaries and move forward confidently, instilling in them the spirit of quest.

Ms Shashwathi Jain proposed the vote of thanks and Ms Prathiksha Prabhu compered the programme.

Principal Sr Melissa then oriented the parents and students about the school, its vision, motto, the CBSE curriculum framework at grade XI and XII, evaluation pattern and introduced the faculty and other facilities available for the students for their holistic learning.

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