Independnce Day 2018

Independnce Day 2018

The 72nd Independence Day of was celebrated on August 15th and 16th. The programme was compeered by Rahul Madtha and Carol D’Souza, students of class IX. A short prayer invoking God’s blessing was made, with Scriptures read from the Holy Bible, the Bhagawad Geetha and the Holy Koran, followed by a short and melodious prayer song. Vedanth of class IX A welcomed the gathering.

A lively patriotic song set the tone for the programme, lightening the atmosphere. Compeers Rahul and Carol gave the audience a brief talk about the significance of the day, remembering our great leaders who shed their blood and gave their lives that India may grow and prosper as an independent nation.

A mime by the ‘men in black’ presented by class IX took the audience to the battle field, bringing to life the fight for independence with bugles blaring and the staccato of machine guns. The mime was greatly appreciated by all. A lively dance by the students of class IX set every foot tapping and every heart singing to a medley of patriotic songs, which ended with flags waving to “Vande Matharam”.

Deserving of special mention was the beautifully enacted play in Hindi, which was the highlight of the programme, adding to the atmosphere already charged with the spirit of patriotism as it transported each and everyone back in time, into some of the painful and poignant events that took place during the struggle, one such being the hanging of our great leaders, Bhagat Singh, Sukhdev and Raj Guru, and the aftermath of this event. The play was followed by an inspiring dance by the students of class XI.

Principal Sr. Melissa, in her message, looked forward with optimism and hope to a better India, one where every Indian could truly be free and live in brotherhood – an India that stood up for the values of a true democracy, of liberty, equality and fraternity.

Prizes were distributed to the winners of various school competitions such as elocution and drawing, which was followed by the vote of thanks given by Clarissa D’Souza of class IX A.

At the primary level, the students of class 3 welcomed the audience with words and graceful dance moves. They say actions speak louder than words. Keeping this in mind, a befitting tribute was paid to our martyrs through a skit and a dance.

The chief guest of the day, Mrs. Linette Castelino, Asst. Sub Inspector of Police, Internal Security Division, Pandeshwar, in her patriotic message highlighted our role as responsible, civilized and patriotic citizens who needed to use this freedom wisely and for the growth of human peace and harmony.

Coordinator Sr. Marie Lucy, in her message, through a quiz enthused and urged students to use freedom by doing the right thing at the right time. Amidst the cold, windy and unfavourable weather conditions, the spirit of patriotism ran high and was reflected on the faces of the students, guests, parents and staff, who, in one voice and with one spirit cried out, “WE SALUTE YOU INDIA”.

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