Fit India Cyclothon – 2020

Fit India Cyclothon – 2020

Cycling is one of the best ways to remain fit and healthy. Children love cycling – it’s fast and fun loving, and gives freedom and independence to get around. On realising this, our school organized Fit India Cyclothon 2020 for our students with the theme “Pedal Your Way to Fitness” from December 26th to 31st in association with Fit India Movement and as per the CBSE directives. A number of students took delight in taking part in it from their homes and the response was encouraging.

The Benefits of Cycling are many, to list a few:

  • improves your fitness
  • raises your metabolic rate, helping you to keep the weight off
  • boosts your positive mental attitude, and can help to relieve stress
  • introduces a healthy activity to the children while they are young
  • can help to travel around the neighbourhood or town freely
  • can be enjoyed by people of all ages, children, adults and even senior citizens

It’s easier to learn cycling when one is young and it’s a lifelong skill that our kids will have forever…

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