Fire and Evacuation Drill

Fire and Evacuation Drill

Our School in association with the Karnataka Fire and Emergency Services, Kadri Fire Service Station, Mangaluru held a Fire and Evacuation Drill on 7th April 2022 to create awareness and ensure the safety of the students and staff during emergent fire situations.

Among the dignitaries, Mr. Sunil Kumar, the Fire station officer and Mr. Kanne Gowda, Asst. Fire station officer and their team, Mr Suraj Rai, Proprietor, Active Systems, Mangaluru were present to illustrate and help to practice fire safety measures at the school.

The students invoked God’s blessings on the school through a prayer song and prayed for the safety of all. Ms Purnima, in her welcome address, signified the necessity and purpose of a fire and evacuation drill at school. Further, the departmental officers were florally welcomed by the Principal Sr Melissa, Vice Principal Sr Lidwyn and the NCC cadets.

Fire station officer Mr. Sunil Kumar then, took over the session elaborating upon the fundamentals of fire extinguishing process. Setting tone to the drill, he defined fire and its components that further elucidated the concept of extinguishing fire. Mr. Sunil Kumar also elaborated upon the four types of fire, its causes and also illustrated various ways to deal with them, highlighting the three main methods of extinguishing a fire.

In the demonstration session, the fire safety officers set up a small fire and provided the students an opportunity to have hands-on experience of extinguishing fire using numerous methods.The fire safety officers, then exhibited methods of combating fire with water by employing different attachments that could be used as a hosewhile being attached to the fire truck. Finally, the Evacuation process of the civilians were meticulously executed by the officers.

The event concluded by expressing a sense of gratitude to Mr. Sunil Kumar, the Fire station officer and his team, Mr Suraj Rai, Proprietor, Active Systems, Mangaluru and the School management for organizing and coordinating such a valuable awareness program. The program was compered by Ms Ananya Sneha. The fire and evacuation drill provided the senior students, NCC cadets, Scouts and Guides, summer campers and the staff an opportunity to learn how to control chaos and manage situation until help arrives.

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