Class X and XII Visit the Old Age Homes as Part of their SEWA Activity

Class X and XII Visit the Old Age Homes as Part of their SEWA Activity

As part of the SEWA (Social Empowerment through Work Education and Action) activity the students of class X and XII visited the old age homes on Saturday, July 27th 2019. Some of them had an opportunity to visit and spend their time with the inmates of ‘Little Sisters of the Poor’ in Maroli while the rest of them, along with the students of Class XII visited St. Anthony’s Ashram, Jeppu to meet the senior citizens there.

At the ‘Little Sisters of the Poor’ they presented a short cultural programme including prayer, skit, song and a dance in the local languages. After the programme, the students proceeded to the handicraft department, where articles made by the inmates were on sale. While a few of them bought things made by the inmates, the others moved around interacting with the inmates, cleaning their rooms etc. They also shared some things with the elderly which made them happy. Some inmates recalled their own children and were emotional. While the inmates shared their joys and sorrows, the students learnt the truths of life and learnt to be sensitive to the senior citizens. It was an unforgettable experience for them.

At St. Anthony’s Ashram, Jeppu, the students of Class X and Class XII were given a warm welcome by Fr. Trishan D’ Souza. He led them to the home where the inmates lived. The students put up a programme for the inmates, including a prayer dance, baila song and comedy skit in Konkani. They interacted with the inmates and sought their blessings. Their visit and gifts made the inmates very happy and the students wished they could spend more time with them. One of the inmates expressed her gratitude to them. The students thanked all responsible for giving them this wonderful opportunity for being with the less fortunate. They left the centre with a promise to visit them again.

This visit helped the students to learn a lot of lessons of service and love and wish to do more for the society.
