Celebration of International Women’s Day 2024

Celebration of International Women’s Day 2024

Our School celebrated International Women’s Day with fervour and enthusiasm on the 7th of March 2024 with the theme “Invest in women: Accelerate Progress”, bringing out the importance of women, who create, nurture and transform the society with a urge for action to accelerate gender parity. The students of grade V D and E played a significant role in the celebration, showcasing their talents and appreciation for the women.

In attendance were esteemed guests, including the Chief Guest Ms Ashika S.N, Tax Assistant, IT Office, Attavara who is also the alumna of MCCS, along with Principal Sr Melissa, Joint Secretary Sr Asha Prima, Administrator Sr Carissima and the senior sisters of the neighbouring convents, further enhancing the significance of the occasion.

The programme commenced with a prayer service followed by a welcome dance. Aryahi and Jerone then welcomed the guests and the audience. As a heartfelt gesture of gratitude and respect, the entire women faculty of the school and the invited guests were presented with handmade flowers and greeting cards, lovingly crafted by the students. The significance of the day was delivered by Abhijit, Atharv and Elisha enlightening everyone gathered about the history of celebrating Women’s Day and how to celebrate women in everyday life. This was followed by a Mime Show depicting the journey of women and their struggles that change their life. A beautiful song was presented by the song birds of grade V describing and praising the inner beauty of women. The finale of the cultural programme was an energetic dance performance highlighting the need to empower women.

In a special gesture, the senior religious sisters of the neighbouring convents were invited to participate in the programme. Their presence added a profound sense of meaning and joy to the event, embodying the spirit of sisterhood and solidarity. While Teacher Ilona felicitated them with words of appreciation, the students handed them a flower and memento recognising their great contribution as women religious in the field of education.

Teacher Rosamma led the felicitation programme to the chief guest, Ms Ashika S N for her achievements and the Joint Secretary Sr Asha Prima, Sr Leela the Superior of Maryhill Convent and Principal Sr Melissa honoured her with a shawl, fruit basket and a memento. In her address, the chief guest, Ms Ashika S.N elaborated on her journey towards her dreams in spite of all the turbulence that crossed her life. She acknowledged the teachers and the alma mater in achieving her goals. She motivated the students to give importance to basics of learning and always to dream big. Sr Leela in her message spoke on the 4 words – Devotion, Dedication, Determination and Discipline that define a woman and urged the gathering to practice them in their life, and there by contribute positively for the wellbeing of the society. The programme concluded with an appealing rendition of the poem ‘Tum Ladki Ho’ by Anwesha. While Shannon and Tasvi delivered the vote of thanks, Anwitha, Samarjith, Pearl and Rishal compered the programme.

After the formal programme, a short get-together was organized for the senior sisters. Games were conducted, prizes were awarded to the winners and refreshments were served, fostering a sense of nostalgia and vitality among the guests.
Further, to celebrate women and positively inspire one another, a staff get-together was organized in the evening for all the teaching and non-teaching staff of the school where the male staff greeted the female staff and entertained them with their creative performance. The refreshments served at the end strengthened the bond of family spirit and feminine energy.

The International Women’s Day celebration at MCCS was a resounding success, fostering a sense of appreciation, empowerment and joy among all participants. It served as a poignant reminder of the invaluable contributions of women to society and the importance of unity in advancing gender equality.

Kindly click on the link https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aj22ugwTwIQ for the glimpses of the celebration.

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