Celebration of Bicentennial Birth of Venerable Mother Veronica and Gandhiji by primary students

Celebration of Bicentennial Birth of Venerable Mother Veronica and Gandhiji by primary students

The Primary Students of our School celebrated the Bicentennial Birth anniversary of Venerable Mother Veronica, the Foundress of the Apostolic Carmel Congregation, the school management and 154th Birthday of Mahatma Gandhiji, the Father of the Nation in all fervor and love on Saturday, September 30, 2023. The life and mission of Venerable Mother Veronica can be summarized in the beautiful phrase “God Alone Suffices”.

Students of grade IV C and D were the hosts. The programme commenced with prayer. Deeksha and Adit accorded a heartfelt welcome. As a mark of respect, the students highlighted the virtues of prayer, compassion and humility of Venerable Mother Venerable through a skit.

“Where there is love, there is life”, quote by the man who made the whole world turn and admire his love for humanity. It is none other than Gandhiji. A fitting tribute was paid to him with a message “non violence is the weapon of the strong”, highlighting Gandhiji’s quest for peace and unity using the weapon Ahimsa. The various dances captured few of the principles by which Gandhiji lived by. Further, the dignitaries paid homage by garlanding the portrait of Gandhiji.

The chief guest for the day Sr. Juliana Furtado in her message appreciated and applauded the fitting tribute paid to the two noble personalities. She encouraged the students to inculcate the values of these two personalities. The winners of the competitions conducted on the occasion were felicitated. Shaan and Atharv delivered the vote of thanks while Austin and Shreya emceed the programme, which ended with the singing of the National Anthem.

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