Celebrating Christmas 2023, the festival of Joy

Celebrating Christmas 2023, the festival of Joy

Christmas is a festival of joy. It is the Incarnation of God’s Word and His love for His creation. This magic of Christmas, all over the world, is not in the exchange of presents but in the celebration of God’s powerful presence among us. This is what our middle school and senior students witnessed during the Christmas Celebrations hosted by the students of grade VI A, B and VII D, E on December 23, 2023.

The Programme commenced with an exhilarating introduction through skating performance that enthralled the audience, setting the festive mood for the day.

A serene and heartfelt prayer marked the spiritual essence of the programme, setting the stage for beautiful renditions of traditional carols that echoed the joy and meaning of Christmas. Chief guest Sr Meena Fernandes AC, Principal Sr. Melissa AC, Vice Principal Sr Therese Teena AC and Sr Supreetha AC were welcomed through flower pot and roses.

The audience was enlightened about the true essence and significance of Christmas through a live crib display, portraying the nativity scene. This immersive experience brought alive the story of the birth of Jesus Christ, encapsulating the spirit of the season. The students melodiously sang the Christmas carols in different languages and praised God and spread the fragrance of Christmas season.

A compelling skit titled “Stranger God” was performed, illustrating the importance of kindness, empathy, and welcoming strangers, resonating with the true message of sharing at Christmas. The celebration escalated with a high-energy dance performance featuring Santa Claus, spreading cheer and delight among the students, encapsulating the joyous spirit of the festival.

The chief guest Sr Meena Fernandes AC in her message highlighted the true spirit of Christmas of giving and sharing, and wished everyone a joyous Christmas. The programme culminated with the distribution of prizes to the winners of Christmas and other competitions. Iksha and Mihira welcomed the gathering, Tisha and Hansika proposed the vote of thanks, while Alwyn, Bhrami, Reon and Venisha compered the programme.

After the formal programme, the students celebrated Christmas in their classrooms along with their class teachers, sharing Kuswar with one another. It was indeed a joy filled day to all.

The staff met together for a get-together at 12.15 pm. Principal Sr Melissa welcomed the staff and greeted them on this happy occasion. Tr Anisha conducted a short prayer service after which the joint secretary of the School Sr Asha Prima gave the Christmas message and wished everyone the joy of Christmas. Tr Anna conducted a few recreational games followed by a group of staff singing the Christmas carols, celebrating the Christmas mood. Principal Sr Melissa acknowledged the services of two B.Ed interns Sr Rose and Ms Christina who were part of the school for three months and wished them well in their teaching career. Christmas cake was distributed to all the staff. Joy was shared with one another through a festal meal.

It was indeed a joy filled day to one and all.

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