‘ARCADIA’, the 15th Annual Day Celebration of Grade I to III

‘ARCADIA’, the 15th Annual Day Celebration of Grade I to III

The students of grade I, II and III of our School celebrated their Annual Day with the theme ‘ARCADIA’ – Harmony with Nature on 1st December 2023 in the School auditorium. The occasion was graced by Rev. Fr Peter Gonsalves, Principal of St Lawrence English Medium School, Bondel, Mangaluru. The chief guest along with the Joint Secretary Sr Asha Prima AC, Principal Sr Melissa AC, Administrator Sr Carissima AC and PTA Vice President Mrs Carol Pais were honoured with traditional poorna kumba swagatham and ushered into the auditorium by the school band.

The cultural event was set rolling by invoking the blessings of the Almighty followed by a majestic welcome dance. Sr Meena Fernandes AC accorded a warm welcome to the audience and introduced the Chief Guest. The evening progressed witnessing the mesmerizing talents put up by the students in various skits, dances, performances and dialogues, highlighting the Sustainable Development Goals by UNO which are incorporated by CBSE in its curriculum. The talents in the celebration not only enchanted all but also brought to the fore in their message “Harmony with Nature’’ and our role in sustainable development goals. The portrayal of the divine in the families was effectively represented in the tableau showcasing presence of the divine in the families.

The annual report highlighted the achievements of the academic year 2023. The chief guest Rev. Fr Peter Gonsalves in his address applauded and appreciated the performance of the students and the achievements of the school. He emphasized the pivotal role of a family in shaping values and instilling them in the upbringing of children. He urged parents to put their child and the values before everything else. He also reminded them to engage the little ones to life skills at an early age.

Students Suzzane, Ismail, Mithila, Reegan and Ishanvi compared the programme, while Gian, Lavanya and Rowena delivered the vote of thanks. Let the echoes of our shared role in Sustainable Development Goals restore our Mother Earth to its former glory.

Kindly click the link to view the programme: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GEFGpeUkJ8U

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