Workshop on Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP)

Workshop on Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP)

A workshop on Neuro Linguistic Programming was organized on 20th September to enhance the teaching learning techniques of our Staff. The workshop commenced by invoking God’s blessings. The Principal, Sr. Melissa welcomed the gathering and specially the facilitator of the day Ms. Seema Haridas, the NLP trainer and also Mr. Sathish Shetty from the Macmillan Publishers, the organisers of the workshop and gave a link to the topic by quoting Aristotle who said “Educating the mind without educating the heart is of no use”.

The workshop began with an energetic and active ice breaker which brought closeness amongst the participants.

According to Ms. Seema, with NLP one progresses to be masters of one’s own destiny. Various techniques such as anchoring were taught through demonstration on inculcating discipline via NLP. Student participation through expectation mapping, brainstorming, discussion, encouragement etc. with an agreement between the teacher and the students were discussed to inculcate discipline and active participation of the students in a class. An important topic, ‘Learning Styles’ was touched upon and there was a spirit of unity as well as a competitive spirit, when the 7 groups had to present the ‘VAK’ (Visual, Auditory and Kinesthetic) method of teaching/learning. It was gratifying to hear from Ms. Seema that the MCCS staff were the most energetic group to which there was a thunderous round of applause from and to the staff, management and the facilitator.

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