Workshop for Kindergarten Teachers using VAKT tool

Workshop for Kindergarten Teachers using VAKT tool

“It’s the supreme act of the teacher to awaken in creative expressions, joy and knowledge”. The Kindergarten teachers had a half day sharing and learning experience at MCCS. The model lesson was a story which was actively demonstrated and displayed by Tr. Sandra using the tool VAKT (Visuals, Auditory, Kinesthetic and Tactile) wherein there were models of rabbit (Visuals) and the beautiful narration of the story aroused the Auditory senses. The rhyme coupled by hopping exhibited the Kinesthetic tool of learning. Further the craft activity was learning by doing, seeing and feeling (Tactile). The munching on bits of carrot stimulated the taste buds and smell (Olfactory). Thus, the 5 sense organs were actively stimulated.

Tr. Joyce demonstrated how effectively and enthusiastically a EVS lesson can be taught. Once again the tool VAKT was implemented through a model of a farm and animals in it. Apart from teaching farm animals the sensitivity of “being kind” to animals was spoken about. Tr. Rita displayed the vibrant colour “yellow” through various objects and a rhyme. The dance based on the colour yellow brought smiles on the faces. The other teachers taught action songs in an unique way.

The appreciation from our Administrator Sr. Carissima made the teachers believe in their profession of teaching by using the powerful tool VAKT thus making teaching and learning a joyful journey at the formative period of learning in the Kindergarten.
