Vibrant Annual Day of Classes I to III

Vibrant Annual Day of Classes I to III

The 12th Annual Day of classes I to III of our School was celebrated on 30th November 2019. The chief guest of the day, Ms. Carol Pais Coelho, escorted by the Principal, members of the management and PTEC, was warmly welcomed with the traditional “Poorna Kumba Swagatham” and escorted by the rhythmic beat of the school band into the auditorium.

The programme commenced with a prayer song invoking God’s blessings. The guests and parents were warmly welcomed with a graceful dance. This was followed by a welcome address by the Principal Sr. Melissa. Students of class I paid a fitting tribute to Mahatma Gandhi, highlighting the values of truth, peace and nonviolence, which were depicted very radiantly. A skit, “Passion for the Impossible” in which Venerable Mother Veronica, the foundress of the Apostolic Carmel was given prominence, was staged by the students of Class II.

The Annual Report for the year 2019 was presented on a power point, covering all the aspects which provide reflective learning opportunities in the school. The meritorious students of the previous year were felicitated by the Chief Guest.

Ms. Carol Pais, the Chief Guest was overwhelmed to see every child enjoying their performance on the stage and congratulated the effort of the management and staff for acknowledging the talents of the children. She shared a few tips “on happy and stress less living”.

A humorous and meaningful Musical English Drama, “To Your Good Health” staged by students of class III enthralled the audience and conveyed a powerful message that happiness comes only through selflessness.
The vote of thanks was proposed by Ms. Deena. The programme was compeered by students Aloma, Shriyan, Vanshika, Claire and Gaurang. It ended with the singing of the National Anthem by the school choir.


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