Staff Seminar on ‘Apostolic Carmel Educator’

Staff Seminar on ‘Apostolic Carmel Educator’

Inscribing the message of epiphany of Venerable Mother Veronica, “Peace I give to you; I want you in Carmel”, a seminar was organised for the Staff on 3rd October. The seminar was resourced by Sr Pearl Anne A.C, from the Apostolic Carmel Spirituality Centre, Maryhill. This seminar positively focused on the ethos of an Apostolic Carmel teacher.

Principal, Sr Melissa welcomed the resource person and the gathering emphasizing on the need to imbibe the spirit of the Apostolic Carmel Educator. Addressing the importance of prayer and introspection, Sr Pearl Anne spoke about the inner voice in a human being required to achieve spiritual well-being. The Seminar comprised of four sessions filled with activities, detailing into the spheres of prayer, effective listening and purpose of being an Apostolic Carmel teacher. She then sketched these very spheres from the life of Venerable Mother Veronica, the foundress of the Apostolic Carmel Congregation.

Quoting Theodore Roosevelt “They don’t care how much you know until they know how much you care”, Sr Pearl Anne, etched Truth, Eternity, Aura, Contemplation, Heart, Everlasting values and Responsiveness as a right acronym of a Teacher. The session ended with a vote of thanks by Ms Shaila Crasta followed by an action song on joy, peace and love by Ms Jenitha Lobo.

Living by the knowledge received in the seminar, the audience were replenished with the aura of prayer and values of being a true Apostolic Carmel Educator.
