Patriotism Unfurled during Republic Day celebration 2021

Patriotism Unfurled during Republic Day celebration 2021

The 72nd Republic Day was celebrated on our school grounds on 26th January 2021 in all its solemnity and grandeur. The chief guest Lt Col Amitabh Singh, Administrative officer, 18th Karnataka Battalion NCC, Mangalore escorted by the Principal Sr Melissa and members of the management hoisted the National Flag. As the tri-coloured flag fluttered majestically high over head, the National Anthem was sung with reverence and pride. The NCC cadets marched in unison, paying homage to the National Flag.

The presence of the divine was felt in the prayers led by the teachers along with reverence to the stalwart Dr B.R Ambedkar who drafted the Indian constitution. The welcome was accorded by a gracious dance from a group of students of Class X and words of welcome by the Principal Sr Melissa. She in her welcome address reminded us, the proud lineage of the world’s biggest democracy we are born into and urged us to abide by the Constitution.

The Cultural Programme was held with a rhythmic drill, gracious dance and a skit highlighting the preamble of our Indian Constitution reverberating the school ground with patriotic fervour. The chief guest Lt. Col. Amitabh Singh sighted the proverb “A man can be defeated many times, but not broken” and how this proverb stood the test of time in the most challenging pandemic Covid19 with a special mention to students to accept challenges, may be at times defeated but never to be broken, instead to rise and march ahead. He also congratulated the NCC cadets for the vibrant March Past, students and teachers for the beautiful cultural programme.

Teacher Neeta compared the programme and Teacher Reshma proposed the vote of thanks. At the end of the programme, one could feel an aura of patriotism towards the Nation and responsibility to live by the Constitution. Jai Hind!

Kindly click on the link to view the programme.

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