Our Nursery and Pre-Nursery Kids celebrate Toy Day

Our Nursery and Pre-Nursery Kids celebrate Toy Day

Children love toys that can be reached for, held, shaken, and made noise with. Toys help them to think, promote positive socialization and spark creativity.

Keeping this in mind, we celebrated TOY DAY to boost up the insight and visualization of our Nursery and Pre-Nursery kids.

The day dawned afresh as the tiny tots got ready and headed to school hugging their favourite toy. It was a great sight to behold and there was so much joy on their faces. They were excited to show their toys to their friends. As they played with their toys, they also shared their toys with their friends, which helped them to develop a sense of sharing and caring.

To accelerate more fun, their mentors conducted games and other activities. It was indeed a colourful and fun-filled day for the kids as they played with their favourite toys and spoke a few lines on it.

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