“Only One Earth”: World Environmental Day celebration 2022

“Only One Earth”: World Environmental Day celebration 2022

World Environmental Day was celebrated in our School on 4th June, 2022 in the School auditorium.

The students of the Young Global Citizens Club presented an eloquent program to cherish the Mother Earth and to preserve our Nature. The program began by invoking the divine blessings on the environment around us.

Leaving a smile on the face, Ms Rochelle of Grade X welcomed teacher Leena Jose, the Chief Guest of the day; Sr Lathika, the Vice Prinicpal and the gathering.

Increasing the momentum of the occasion, Ms Prapthi of Grade IX presented the significance of the day. Further, the programme comprised of a graceful dance depicting the Sustainable future of our environment. Ms Anupama Cherian of Grade X elaborated upon “Only One Earth”, the theme of World Environmental Day 2022. Students of Grade IX presented a short skit on preserving our Environment for a sustainable future by highlighting the quality of the work we do to save our nature rather than the quantity.

“Environment is not everyone’s property to destroy, but it is everyone’s responsibility to take care of it” quoted teacher Leena Jose, in her message. She inspired the students to take a pledge to protect and conserve our Environment, our Nature. She concluded with the note that sensitivity to the nature is our moral responsibility.

Sr Lathika, the Vice Principal motivated the students to believe in the thought that “Small hands can indeed change the world”. Ms Anushka proposed the vote of thanks.

The responsibility towards our Environment was put into action by the fifty NCC Cadets of the School, as they organized a Beach Cleaning Drive at Chithrapura Beach, Surathkal and also provided awareness to the people nearby as a part of the celebration of the World Environment Day 2022.

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