Love Flows in Compassion towards the Flood Victims

Love Flows in Compassion towards the Flood Victims

Love flowed in Compassion on ‘Love Offering Days’ at our School. All had witnessed the unleashing of torrents of rain, floods, landslides, overflow of rivers, heavy inflows from the dams, lives lost, crops drowned in water, houses collapsed, schools damaged, intensified sea erosions in our State during the past few days.

At our request to the staff, students and parents, the relief material in kind and cash poured in abundantly and the collection in cash Rs.405,300/- and in kind – 1476 biscuit packets, 1050 cakes of bath soap, 550 washing soap, 80 KG rice, 19 blankets, 630 toothpastes, 315 tooth brushes, 395 mineral water bottles, stationery and a few other miscellaneous items have been shared with the victims of floods and landslides through the district administration and NGO’s.

The school thanks the parents for their encouraging and generous response towards this noble cause. God bless all…

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