Inauguration of Hanging Garden and Terrace Garden

Inauguration of Hanging Garden and Terrace Garden

The inauguration of the Hanging Garden and Terrace Vegetable Garden in the Primary School Campus was held on Wednesday, 4th September 2019.

The Principal Sr. Melissa and the Chief Guest Mr. Oswald Saldanha were welcomed with a human floral chain. The programme commenced with prayer glorifying God for the bounties of nature. The Principal along with the chief guest inaugurated the unique Hanging Garden prepared by Kindergarten staff and students. The waste plastic bottles coloured by our KG staff and hung on nylon rope in an equal distance perpendicular to each other make the beautiful Hanging Garden.

They then marched towards another “Go green” project, the “Terrace Vegetable Garden” where they were welcomed by a human chain of fruits and vegetables by Class III. The terrace garden was inaugurated by the chief guest Mr. Oswald Saldanha. It was indeed a sight worth watching where the chief guest along with the class representatives and teachers planted the saplings in the waste gunny bags which the students of class III themselves had brought from their homes, after which the terrace garden looked like a mini horticulture. Sr. Melissa in her message deeply acknowledged and appreciated the joint venture of the students and staff of Kinder Garten and Class III and cited that it is our turn to nurture the nature. and prepared the soil along with their teachers and helpers.

Both the projects were the efforts of the little children’s mite towards greening the school campus and there by the mother Earth.

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