Gandhi Jayanthi Celebrations 2023

Gandhi Jayanthi Celebrations 2023

We celebrated Gandhi Jayanthi with great fervor on October 2, 2023 in the school auditorium with the chief guest Mrs Corrine Rasquinha, founder and president of the premier NGO White Doves.

The programme by the students of grade VIII C and D commenced with an inter faith prayer service, praying for peace and harmony, after which the dignitaries paid their tribute to the great soul Mahatma Gandhi. The welcome dance was a treat as students danced to the magical combination of music, rhythm and energy. It was followed by welcome speech by Adit and Angel with a floral sapling presented to the chief guest.

Nishant and Navita highlighted the significance of the day and Gandhiji’s non-violence philosophy which influenced the whole world. A meaningful skit showcasing the role of Gandhiji during the Salt Act of 1882, Champaran movement of 1917 and Dandi March of 1930 was the highlight of the program. It was followed by a harmonious rendition of a patriotic song.

The Chief guest Mrs Corine applauded and appreciated the programme and in her message highlighted the Gandhian principles and the need to follow them for a peaceful and harmonious living. She also enthralled the audience with her melodious singing of “On top of the world, Carpenters”. The vote of thanks was presented by Ian and Alvin and the anchors of the day were Alister, Siyona, Nikhil and Angel.

The celebration ended with the Shramdhan by enthusiastic and motivated students guided by the staff in and around the school campus.

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