Celebration of National Sports Day 2022

Celebration of National Sports Day 2022

Our School celebrated the National Sports Day on August 29th and 30th 2022, commemorating the birth anniversary of Hockey Legend, Major Dhyan Chand, who is regarded as the greatest Hockey player of all times.

To mark the significance of National Sports Day, the school organized several activities to inculcate the feeling of true sportsmanship among the children and to enhance their physical and social skills.

The Kindergarten section gave the lead with physical exercises at their morning assembly followed by team activities like Snake race, Twist and Turn, Ball Race and go through Hoopla. Their dumbbell exercise with rhythm and coordination crowned their day.

The Juniors were enthusiastically devoted to the various sports skills both in the auditorium and in the open air while the seniors participated in Kabaddi, Short put, Volley ball and Basket ball team games with great enthusiasm and zeal.

A supportive environment was observed all around the campus in full circle.

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