Celebration of 14th Kindergarten Day 2022

Celebration of 14th Kindergarten Day 2022

We celebrated the 14th Kindergarten Day with the theme ‘Eutierria – Oneness with the Earth’ on Wednesday, 21st December 2022.

The chief guest Dr Belinda Fernandes, one of the leading pediatrician of Mangaluru was escorted into the auditorium by the Principal Sr Melissa, Administrator Sr Carissima along with the PTA Vice President Ms Jenifer Fernandes. The event commenced seeking God’s benevolence. The august gathering was accorded a welcome by the loving and tender hearts with song and words of welcome.

The cultural events kick started by the tiniest of the tiny – Nursery children manifested their innocence, talent, confidence and caring nature. The annual report presented outlined the fun-filled learning that takes place in the kindergarten. The LKG children spread Christmas in the air by transporting the audience to the Bethlehem town.

The chief guest Dr. Belinda Fernandes was introduced by the principal Sr Melissa to the audience. Dr. Belinda Fernandes in her speech cited ‘A child is a blessing who gives meaning to our life and as parents one should strive and be role models to give meaning to their life.’

The students of LKG and UKG gave a boost to the celebration in their dance drama on the theme ‘Eutierria – Oneness with the Earth’, which had in it the marvels of nature. The kids beautifully portrayed the story of a girl ‘Alice in kinderland’ and gave a strong message that we need to take care of mother Earth if she has to take care of us.

Teacher Neeta Pais was swelled with gratitude as she delivered the vote of thanks. The celebration concluded by singing the School Anthem.

Kindly click the link https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5Ooz0l5wgJo to get a glimpse of the event.

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